olmapi32.dll 相关的错误可能源于多种不同原因。比如,错误的应用程序、 olmapi32.dll 被删除或放错位置、被您 PC 上存在的恶意软件破坏、损坏的 Windows 注册表等。
- 程序无法启动,因为您的计算机缺少 olmapi32.dll 。尝试重新安装程序来解决这个问题。
- 启动 olmapi32.dll 发生错误。无法找到指定的模块
- 加载 olmapi32.dll 发生错误。无法找到指定的模块
- olmapi32.dll 的设计可能不适合在 Windows 上运行,或可能包含错误。
在绝大多数情况下,解决方案是在您的 PC 上正确地重新安装 olmapi32.dll 到 Windows 系统文件夹。 此外,有的程序,特别是 PC 游戏,要求 DLL 文件放置在游戏/应用程序安装文件夹。
获取详细安装指南,请查看我们的 FAQ 。
关于 olmapi32.dll 的其他信息:
User comments: As of December 2013, some users have reported that Outlook 2013 is crashing due to a Windows update in which the error references either OLMAPI32.dll or WWLIB.dll. In this article, we will show you a few ways to fix this issue to get your Outlook 2013 up and running again.
Q- What causes this issue? A- This issue is caused by an error within Windows update that breaks either the OLMAPI32.dll or WWLIB.dll file.
Q- How do I fix the error? A- To fix this error, there are a few possible solutions:
Install the January 14, 2014 Outlook 2013 #2850061 update.
Install the Outlook 2013 hotfix package from December 10, 2013
Source - http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/email/outlook/outlook-2013-omapi32-wwlib-errors