msvcp110.dll 相关的错误可能源于多种不同原因。比如,错误的应用程序、 msvcp110.dll 被删除或放错位置、被您 PC 上存在的恶意软件破坏、损坏的 Windows 注册表等。
- 程序无法启动,因为您的计算机缺少 msvcp110.dll 。尝试重新安装程序来解决这个问题。
- 启动 msvcp110.dll 发生错误。无法找到指定的模块
- 加载 msvcp110.dll 发生错误。无法找到指定的模块
- msvcp110.dll 的设计可能不适合在 Windows 上运行,或可能包含错误。
在绝大多数情况下,解决方案是在您的 PC 上正确地重新安装 msvcp110.dll 到 Windows 系统文件夹。 此外,有的程序,特别是 PC 游戏,要求 DLL 文件放置在游戏/应用程序安装文件夹。
获取详细安装指南,请查看我们的 FAQ 。
关于 msvcp110.dll 的其他信息:
msvcp110.dll is a part of Microsoft Visual C++ and is often required for running programs developed with Visual C++.
Some games or applications may need the file in the game/application installation folder. Copying it from Windows systemfolder to the install-folder of the game/application should fix that problem. Make sure to use the 32bit dll-file for 32bit software, and 64bit dll-file for 64bit software.
"The program can't start because MSVCP110.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
If it for some reason doesn't work by just replacing the file, you might need to re-install the Microsoft visual C++ Redistributable package which can be found at the Microsoft support page
x86 for 32bit (x86) Windows, x64 for 64bit (x64) Windows. If using a 64bit Windows, install both.
2013-11-11 DLL-Files Support says:
A Google plugin for Adobe CS named "Analogue Efex Pro" has recently been reported as the cause of many recent msvcp110.dll errors when using Adobe CS products. "Silver Efex Pro 2" has also been mentioned as a possible culprit. Fixing this error seems as simple as un-installing, and re-installing this plugin.